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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Man Bearing AK-47 Arrested While Driving In May Street Area

   A Lawrenceburg resident was taken into custody early Sunday morning after he was found to be driving in the May Street area with an AK-47 and a shotgun inside his vehicle.

   Lawrenceburg Police Officers were dispatched to the area around Busy Bee Market shortly before 1:30 a.m. after a BOLO (Be On the Lookout) alert was issued on the gray van. The report indicated that the driver was armed with an AK-47 rifle.

   While they were searching the area for the van, officers report they spotted it traveling west along May Street. Officers turned and attempted to stop the van. They report that the driver pulled in at 316 May Street, then exited the vehicle.

   Officers ordered the driver several times to raise his hands and place them on the roof of the van. They indicate that he kept removing his hands and attempting to turn to face them, therefore he was placed into handcuffs.

   When they checked inside his van, officers report finding a 12 gauge shotgun and an AK-47 rifle lying on the truck seat, placed with the stocks facing the driver. The shotgun, reports show, was unloaded, however the AK-47 had a drum magazine that contained 69 rounds, along with one round in the chamber. The rifle, they report, was found in the “fire” position, and the safety was off. Two, loaded, thirty-round magazines were also reportedly found inside the truck.

   As a result of the incident, Gary W. Forsythe, 41, of 316 May Street was arrested on one count of unlawful carrying or possession of a weapon. He was transported to the Lawrence County Jail without further incident.

   Forsythe is slated to answer the charge through Lawrence County General Sessions Court on July 13.
